We Build Personalized Portfolios
Vident personalized portfolios combine the expertise of our professional management with the flexibility to align with investors’ goals, preferences, and personal values. Whether your clients are seeking long-term growth potential, are focused on tax-advantaged investing, or are looking to capture specific exposure, our portfolios are designed to meet clientsâ diverse needs with a more customized level of service than what may be found in traditional investment vehicles. Additionally, our direct indexing solutions allow professionals to free up time to grow their business and deepen client relationships.
As your portfolio management team, we are:
By partnering with Vident, investors have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the companies they invest in and actively participate in corporate decision-making and influence company behavior.
Vident’s approach to proxy voting and corporate engagement centers on personalization and support, ensuring that each investor’s choices align with their unique values and financial priorities. Vident facilitates (through third-party engagement partners) actively influencing corporate practices and communicating with boards and management while tailoring client engagement focus. This dual approach is crafted to empower investors with both choice and voice, is seamlessly integrated into a portfolio solution, and is backed by Videntâs expertise to ensure that our clientsâ investment strategies are impactful.
Corporate engagement practices include the following:
As your portfolio team we leverage our institutional strengthâportfolio construction and management, trading, and reportingâto deliver customization, access, and tax efficiency to help you advance your business offerings while meeting the distinct needs of your clients. Partnering with Vident for your SMA offering is about more than finding the right investment strategies. It is also about service, insight, and resources, and most importantly, helping your clients invest with confidence.
If you are interested in pursuing an SMA for your clients, reach out to our experts at [email protected]
The founders of Corestone Capital and the Energy Mineral Group (EMG)
The founders of Corestone Capital and the Energy Mineral Group (EMG)
There is no guarantee that tax optimization may be achieved. Vident Asset Management does not provide tax advice. Tax efficiency of any product or investment generally or compared against another cannot be guaranteed. SMA account owners must grant Vident proxy voting authority to allow such proxy voting guidelines to be implemented.
Vident does not guarantee the performance or success of any product, investment services, or investment idea; the limitation of risk; or potential tax outcomes. Investment objectives, risks, and potential outcomes are particular to the facts and circumstances then present. When contacting Vident via this website, you should not include any proprietary, confidential, or material non-public information in your message. While measures are taken to ensure the privacy of your communication, Vident cannot guarantee its privacy. Separately managed accounts and related investment advisory services are provided by Vident Asset Management, an SEC-registered investment adviser. Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any certain level of skill or training.
Carefully consider the Vident ETFâs investment objectives, risk factors, charges, and expenses before investing. To obtain a prospectus, download one here or call 800-617-0004.
Please read it carefully before investing. Performance quoted represents past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, so you may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may be higher or lower than that quoted. Short term performance is not a good indication of a Vident ETFâs future performance, and an investment should not be made based solely on returns. Investing involves risk, including the risk of loss of principal. Each Vident ETF has the same risks as the underlying securities traded on the exchange throughout the day at market price. Redemptions are limited and often commissions are charged on each trade. Investor shares are bought and sold at market price (not net asset value or NAV), may trade at a discount or premium to NAV, and are not individually redeemed from a Vident ETF. Ordinary brokerage commissions may apply. The Vident ETFsâ investment adviser is Vident Asset Management. Vident Asset Management owns the indices that each Vident ETFâs investment objectives are set against. The Vident ETFs are distributed by ALPS Distributors, LLC. ALPS is not affiliated with Vident Asset Management.